Robotics Learning: Move-in-ready for Future

Ashley McCann
3 min readOct 7, 2021


We all know that education is a must for children, but not all of us are aware of the fact that education should prepare our children for the future. I constantly talk about the importance of the right education to make parents aware of the ways to make their children future-ready.

In my previous articles, I have highlighted STEM learning and its various aspects. Honestly, STEM is the way to go because it provides hands-on, real-world learning experiences. In this article, I will explain why I think it is important to learn robotics. Robotics is an important branch of STEM learning that involves programming and electronics.

Robotics helps in honing futuristic skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and computational thinking skills. Robotics easily piques children’s interest so much so that they take an instant liking to it.

Robots — machines capable of carrying out specific tasks automatically — have already elbowed out humans from many industries. Experts predict automation will completely change the job market. As many as 40% of the world’s jobs will be replaced by robots capable of automating tasks, says an article in Fortune magazine.

Unfortunately, the conventional curriculums in schools are not in tandem and are not equipping children with the skills that can help them combat technological advancement. However, the EdTech industry is filling the gap by offering futuristic streams.

Efforts are being made to make robotics an integral part of the curriculum. A report by HolonIQ, a leading market intelligence platform that provides data and analysis of developments in the global education market, says robotics in education is currently a $1.3B market, set to grow to $3.1B by 2025.

Innovator Program (Robotics): Gateway to Future

If you are looking for fun learning Robotics courses that can usher your children gently into the world of Robotics, you can start with Moonshot Junior’s Innovator Program that offers five streams and robotics tops the list.

Children are innately curious and the scientifically designed Innovator Program (Robotics) course provides a creative environment to satiate their inquisitive needs by allowing them to explore their minds, filter out ideas, connect them to the real world, and give physical shape to the ideas. The course is a unique blend of gaining technical knowledge of robotics and entrepreneurial skills.

Robotics Ebook: An Eye-opener and Mentor

Moonshot Junior, which is constantly offering the most comprehensive learning solutions, has compiled an ebook on Robotics that encapsulates everything you need to know about the topic. Titled Robotics for Kids, the ebook has the gamut of information that would help you in understanding the importance of robotics for kids and it also guides you about your future course of action.

Data, statistics, and futuristic trends — the ebook has all relevant information required for preparing a future course of action for your child.



Ashley McCann

A Florida native, a fun-loving mom — Ashley McCann is a lover of naps, beaches, and reading and writing about ed-tech.